Academic positions
Centralia College
Associate Professor of Music - 2015 to present; Faculty Director of Teaching and Learning, 2021 to present
In this position, I:
Oversee the scheduling and design of music classes at Centralia College, managing up to nine adjunct instructors
Create in-person and online training in pedagogy, accessibility, and more as Faculty Director of Teaching and Learning
Act as Canvas LMS Administrator
Do all curriculum design and review for music department
Teach all levels of music theory and aural skills
Design and teach online second-year music theory, Music Appreciation, and History of American Music courses
Teach Applied Piano and Applied Composition
Advise music majors and, previously, Pro Musica, the student music club, which included the college's Pep Band
Develop donor relations
Oversaw the purchase and installation of brand new digital piano lab
Design marketing materials for all music department programming, including both print and social media campaigns
Served as Quality Matters Peer Reviewer for eLearning Department, 2017-2019
Schedule all concerts and events for the music department
Perform on faculty recitals and with the resident orchestra
Taught Pilates 2016 - 2020
Syracuse University
Adjunct Instructor, Physical Education Department - 2015
Northwest Vista College:
Associate Professor of music 2011 - 2014; Assistant Professor of music 2007 - 2011; Adjunct Instructor of Kinesiology and Humanities - 2006 - 2014; Instructor of music 2003 - 2007; Adjunct instructor of music 2002 - 2003
In this position I:
Developed and was lead instructor for the Music Theory and Aural Skills sequence as well as Music Fundamentals.
Taught group and private piano and composition. Designed the digital piano lab and selected pianos for the music department. Served on the planning committee for the Palmetto Center for the Arts.
Designed online sections of Music Fundamentals and Music Appreciation
Was sole Pilates Instructor from 2011 - 2014. Taught Core Conditioning for Dancers fall 2013
Designed both the on-campus and online versions of Humanities 1315, a course that incorporates the study of music, visual art, dance, drama, literature and film
Advised students and saw many through to successful transfers to 4-year institutions
Created the Jack Stone Award for New Music, now in its thirteenth year. Past winners have successfully completed graduate degrees in composition, scored films, and much more.
Directed concert choir from 2002 until 2004
University of Texas at Austin
Teaching Assistant - November 2006 - May 2007
In this position I:
Developed brand new course in collaboration with Dean of School of Music and another graduate assistant
Researched and located reading materials for course
Facilitated online learning and instruction and conducted break out sections.
United States Peace Corps, Namibia
Lower Primary Teacher Trainer - August 1998 - November 2000
Tutored teachers to successful completion of correspondence certification programs,
Facilitated over 150 workshops on learner centered education and critical thinking.
Yale School of Music, Teaching Assistant - September 1996 - May 1998
Taught composition as a secondary instrument, Graduate Aural skills teaching assistant
At Centralia College:
Member, Diversifying the Faculty Taskforce (2020 - present); Member, Student Evaluations Team (2020 - present); Member, JEDI committee (2021-22); Member, Institutional Effectiveness Committee (2022 - present); Member, Curriculum Review Committee (2021-Present); Member, Technology Committee (2021-2022); Faculty Senate Vice President (2019 - 20) President (2020-22), secretary (2018-19); Diversity Committee (2015 - 18); Faculty Tenure Committees (2018-present); External Scholarship Review Committee (2017 - present); Pro Musica Advisor (2015 - 2019)
Chair, Music, Fine Arts, Drama, Speech Communications and Media Studies, 2018- 2019, 2020-2021
Hiring committees: Drama Faculty, Director of Foundation, Production and Technical Director
At Northwest Vista College:
Grade Appeals committee (2013 - 2014); Promotion Appeals committee (2012 - 2014); Faculty Senate (Senator 2013 - 2014; President 2011- 2012; Vice President, 2010 - 2011; Secretary, 2009 - 2010; Parliamentarian, 2008 - 2009); Performance Excellence Team (2010 - 2011); Friends of the Arts at NVC (FANS) board (2010 - 2014); Fine and Performing Arts Committee (Chair, 2010 -2011; member 2006 - 2010); Honors Committee (2009 - 2010); Travel Committee (2008 - 2010); Leadership Development Team (2008 - 2009); Writing Across the Curriculum (2004 - 2014); Facilities Planning (2004 - 2006 ); Women's History Month (2003); Bright Ideas (2003 - 2004); Hiring Committees: Humanities, Drama, Music; Recreational Sports and Wellness (2005-2006)
Publications, Performances, and Presentations
“29,029’” and six short film scores performed on Composers Alliance of San Antonio online concerts, 2020 and 2021
“Afterlife”, “Creosote”, and “Family Bristle” - SA24 concert, September, 2019, San Antonio, TX
"Mixed and Flipped: Integrating Aural Skills, Sight Singing, and Music Theory in the modern college classroom" Lightning talk, presented at 2017 College Music Society National Conference, San Antonio, TX
"Two Dolphin Interludes" in Made in SA, a collection of student piano pieces by composers from the Composers Alliance of San Antonio
May, S. Beth. "Three Pieces for Horn and Harp" on Seeds. Apple Orange Pair, 2013
May, S. Beth. Music Fundamentals: An Introduction (Kendall Hunt, 2nd revised edition 2013)
May, S. Beth. "Real Music Appreciation for the 21st Century: the use of Student-Submitted YouTube Videos in Online Music Appreciation Class" Proceedings, Cultural Diversity in Music Education conference 2010 (Sydney, Australia)
Henderson, D.L. and J.P. May. Exploring Culturally Diverse Children's Literature: Learning to Listen in New Ways. S. Beth May, Illustrator. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2005
Huber, Sara and S. Beth May, editors. Esiku Limwe. S. Beth May, illustrator. Windhoek, Namibia: Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers, 2000.
Oregon State University eCampus
Graduate certificate in Instructional Design (in progress)
University of Texas at Austin: Doctorate of Musical Arts in Composition, 2010
Dissertation: Iridescence - concerto for oboe and orchestra.
Composition studies with Bruce Pennycook, Yevgeniy Sharlat, Russell Pinkston and Dan Welcher.
Yale University School of Music: Master of Music in Composition, 1998
Composition Studies with Martin Bresnick, Bun-Ching Lam, and Anthony Davis. Computer Music Studies with Jack Vees.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Bachelor of Music in Composition/Theory, 1996
Graduated with high honors
Composition studies with Zack Browning, Erik Lund, Paul Zonn, and Sever Tipei.
Workshops and Conferences Attended
Tico Lingo Spanish language intensive, Heredia, Costa Rica, Summer 2019
SBCTC Accessibility Retreat, Summer 2017
College Music Society National Conference, 2017
ACDA-Washington Summer Institute, 2015 and 2016
The Walden School Teacher Training Institute, 2010 and 2011 - Dublin, New Hampshire
Cultural Diversity in Music Education conference 2010 - Sydney, Australia
College Music Society Summer Institute on the Pedagogy of World Music Theory (2005) - Boulder, CO
Faculty development, Critical Thinking, Cooperative Learning - Northwest Vista College, 2002 - 2006
Regional Teacher Training Workshops, Ongwediva College - Oshakati, Namibia, 1998 - 2000
Professional Affiliations
College Music Society
Society for New Music, board member 2014-2015
American Society of Composers and Publishers (ASCAP)
Composers Alliance of San Antonio (CASA)
Society of Composers, Incorporated (SCI)
Other relevant experience
Composer in the Schools program, Society for New Music, 2014-2015
Owner and instructor, Eastside Pilates, 2015 - present; Barre instructor, Focus Fitness, 2016 - 2020, Barre and Pilates Instructor, South Sound YMCA, 2016 - 2020; Owner and lead instructor, Three Anchors Studio, Baldwinsville, NY 2014-2015; Pilates Instructor, Gold's Gym, San Antonio, TX 2011 - 2014; Pilates Instructor, D.R. Semmes YMCA, San Antonio, TX 2011 - 2014
AP Music Theory Reader 2010 - 2016; 2020 - present